How to write a C Program reads in and spews out the attributes of a given .wav file in C Programming Language ?
/* C program reads in and spews out the attributes of a given .wav file. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> unsigned int get4BytesLSB(FILE *file); unsigned short get2BytesLSB(FILE *file); void read4Chars(FILE *file, char yourString[5]); int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char fileName[100]; char* extension; unsigned int chunkSize=0, subChunk1Size = 0, sampleRate = 0, byteRate = 0, blockAlign = 0, subChunk2Size = 0; unsigned short audioFormat = 0, numChannels = 0, bitsPerSample = 0; char chunkID[4+1], format[4+1], subChunk1ID[4+1], subChunk2ID[4+1]; FILE *wavFile; while(1)//incase they enter invalid file name { printf("enter a .wav filepath\n"); scanf("%s",fileName); extension = strstr(fileName,"."); if (extension)//incase its null if (!strcasecmp(extension,".wav")) break; printf("that isnt a .wav file.\n"); } wavFile = fopen(fileName,"rb"); //now read in all of the data read4Chars(wavFile, chunkID); chunkSize = get4BytesLSB(wavFile); read4Chars(wavFile, format); read4Chars(wavFile, subChunk1ID); subChunk1Size = get4BytesLSB(wavFile); audioFormat = get2BytesLSB(wavFile); numChannels = get2BytesLSB(wavFile); sampleRate = get4BytesLSB(wavFile); byteRate = get4BytesLSB(wavFile); blockAlign = get2BytesLSB(wavFile); bitsPerSample = get2BytesLSB(wavFile); read4Chars(wavFile, subChunk2ID); subChunk2Size = get4BytesLSB(wavFile); //now print out all of the data printf("----------------------\n"); printf("chunkID = %s\n",chunkID); printf("chunkSize = %u\n",chunkSize); printf("format = %s\n", format); printf("subChunk1ID = %s\n", subChunk1ID); printf("audioFormat = %hu\n",audioFormat); printf("numChannels = %hu\n",numChannels); printf("sampleRate = %u\n",sampleRate); printf("byteRate = %u\n",byteRate); printf("blockAlign = %u\n",blockAlign); printf("bitsPerSample = %hu\n",bitsPerSample); printf("subChunk2ID = %s\n",subChunk2ID); printf("subChunk2Size = %u\n",subChunk2Size); printf("----------------------\n"); } //reads 4 chars into a 4-length string, big endian void read4Chars(FILE *file, char yourString[5]) { yourString[0] = fgetc(file); yourString[1] = fgetc(file); yourString[2] = fgetc(file); yourString[3] = fgetc(file); yourString[4] = '\0'; } //reads 4 bytes into a uint, little endian unsigned int get4BytesLSB(FILE *file) { return fgetc(file)*1 + fgetc(file)*256 + fgetc(file)*256*256 + fgetc(file)*256*256*256; } //reads 2 bytes into a ushort, little endian unsigned short get2BytesLSB(FILE *file) { return fgetc(file)*1 + fgetc(file)*256; }
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