How to write a C Program to Demonstrates use of reader/writer lock in C Programming Language ?
- /* Demonstrates use of reader/writer lock*/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
- struct job {
- struct job *j_next;
- struct job *j_prev;
- pthread_t j_id; /* tells which thread handles this job */
- /* ... more stuff here ... */
- };
- struct queue {
- struct job *q_head;
- struct job *q_tail;
- pthread_rwlock_t q_lock;
- };
- /*
- * Initialize a queue.
- */
- int queue_init(struct queue *qp)
- {
- int err;
- qp->q_head = NULL;
- qp->q_tail = NULL;
- err = pthread_rwlock_init(&qp->q_lock, NULL);
- if (err != 0)
- return(err);
- /* ... continue initialization ... */
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Insert a job at the head of the queue.
- */
- void job_insert(struct queue *qp, struct job *jp)
- {
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&qp->q_lock);
- jp->j_next = qp->q_head;
- jp->j_prev = NULL;
- if (qp->q_head != NULL)
- qp->q_head->j_prev = jp;
- else
- qp->q_tail = jp; /* list was empty */
- qp->q_head = jp;
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
- }
- /*
- * Append a job on the tail of the queue.
- */
- void job_append(struct queue *qp, struct job *jp)
- {
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&qp->q_lock);
- jp->j_next = NULL;
- jp->j_prev = qp->q_tail;
- if (qp->q_tail != NULL)
- qp->q_tail->j_next = jp;
- else
- qp->q_head = jp; /* list was empty */
- qp->q_tail = jp;
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
- }
- /*
- * Remove the given job from a queue.
- */
- void job_remove(struct queue *qp, struct job *jp)
- {
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&qp->q_lock);
- if (jp == qp->q_head) {
- qp->q_head = jp->j_next;
- if (qp->q_tail == jp)
- qp->q_tail = NULL;
- } else if (jp == qp->q_tail) {
- qp->q_tail = jp->j_prev;
- if (qp->q_head == jp)
- qp->q_head = NULL;
- } else {
- jp->j_prev->j_next = jp->j_next;
- jp->j_next->j_prev = jp->j_prev;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
- }
- /*
- * Find a job for the given thread ID.
- */
- struct job *job_find(struct queue *qp, pthread_t id)
- {
- struct job *jp;
- if (pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&qp->q_lock) != 0)
- return(NULL);
- for (jp = qp->q_head; jp != NULL; jp = jp->j_next)
- if (pthread_equal(jp->j_id, id))
- break;
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
- return(jp);
- }
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