C Program To Convert Temperature From Degree Centigrade To Fahrenheit

How To Write a C Program To Convert Temperature From Degree Centigrade To Fahrenheit in C Programming Language ?

Solution For C Program To Convert Temperature From Degree Centigrade To Fahrenheit:


void main()
float celsius,fahrenheit;

printf("Enter temp in Celsius : ");

fahrenheit = (1.8 * celsius) + 32;
printf("Temperature in Fahrenheit : %f ",fahrenheit);

Output :
Enter temp in Celsius : 32
Temperature in Fahrenheit : 89.59998
Tags: C Program To Convert Temperature From Degree Centigrade To Fahrenheit, c program to convert temperature from fahrenheit to celsius and vice versa, conversion of degree centigrade to fahrenheit, conversion of degree centigrade to fahrenheit formula, c program to convert celsius to fahrenheit using functions, convert 55 fahrenheit celsius, c program to convert celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa, write a program to convert fahrenheit to celsius in c++, write a program to convert fahrenheit to celsius in java.

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