C Program To Convert Decimal Number Into Binary Number

How To Write a C Program To Convert Decimal Number Into Binary Number in C Programming Language ?

Solution For C Program To Convert Decimal Number Into Binary Number:

void dec_bin(long int num)   // Function Definition
long int rem[50],i=0,length=0;
printf("Binary number : ");
void main()
long int num;

 printf("Enter the decimal number : ");

    dec_bin(num);   // Calling function

Output :
Enter the decimal number : 7
Octal number : 111

Explanation of Program :

Always Program execution starts from main function. Inside Main function we are accepting the decimal number.
printf("Enter the decimal number : ");
Now after accepting the input decimal number we pass the decimal number to function dec_bin(num) function using following syntax.
dec_bin(num);   // Calling function

Inside the Function Call -

We have declared some variables and the use of each variable is listed in following table -
VariableData TypeInitial ValueUse of Variable
rem[50]long intGarbageStoring the Remainder
ilong int0Subscript Variable for Running Loop
lengthlong int0Storing the Length of the Array
We are following steps until the number becomes 0 or less than 0 -
Step 1 : Check Whether the Number is Less than or Equal to Zero
Step 2 : Divide the number by 2 and store the remainder in the array
Step 3 : Increase the length of the array by 1 and also increment the subscript variable
After the execution of while loop print the array in reverse order.

Tags:C Program To Convert Decimal Number Into Binary Number, c program to convert binary to decimal using array, simple c program to convert decimal to binary, write a c program to convert decimal number to binary number, c program to convert decimal into binary octal and hexadecimal, c program to convert decimal to binary without using array, c program to convert decimal to binary using function, c program to convert decimal to binary using stack, c program to convert decimal to binary using bitwise operators.

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