How to write a C Program To Check The Postfix Expression Using Recursion in C Programming Language ?
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void valid();
printf("\nEnter the postfix expression: ");
void valid()
char b;
if (isalpha(b))
if (b=='\r')
printf("invalid expression");
else if (isalpha(b))
if (b=='+'||b=='-'||b=='*'||b=='/')
printf("valid expression");
else printf("invalid expression");
Tags: C program to Check the Postfix Expression using recursion, c program to convert infix to postfix using stack array, c program for infix to postfix conversion using stack with output, infix to postfix conversion in c using stack examples, c program to convert infix to prefix using stack, c program to convert infix to postfix using stack linked list, c program to evaluate postfix expression, write a c program to convert infix to postfix, program to convert infix to postfix in c++.