C Program Determines If Any Given Year Is A Leap Year (or aborts.)

How to write a C Program determines if any given year is a leap year (or aborts) in C Programming Language ?


/*C Program determines if any given year is a leap year (or aborts.)*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
   #include <assert.h>

   int determineyear (int year);

    int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
      int year = 0;
       printf("Please enter the year that you are interested in.\n");
       scanf("%d", &year);
    determineyear (year);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
          int determineyear (int year) {
       assert(year >= 1582);
      if (year%400 == 0) {
         printf ("%d is a leap year!\n", year);
      } else if (year%100 == 0) {
             printf ("%d is not a leap year!\n", year);
      } else if (year%4 == 0) {
          printf ("%d is a leap year!\n", year);
      } else printf ("%d is not a leap year!\n", year);
         return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Tags: C Program Determines If Any Given Year Is A Leap Year (or aborts.), write a program in c to find leap year, leap year program in java, how to check leap year, c program to find leap year using conditional operator, c program to find leap year using logical operator, c program to find leap year using function, leap year program in c++, leap year condition.

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