How to write a C Program to print numbers upto 5 using do-while loop in C Programming language.
Solution -/*Progam to print numbers upto 5 using do-while loop*/
void main()
int num=1; //initialisation phase
num=num+1; //increment phase
while(num<5); //condition phase
Tags: C Program to print numbers upto 5 using do-while loop, c program to print n natural numbers using while loop, c program to print first 10 natural numbers, sum of first 10 natural numbers in c using while loop, c program to print 1 to 10 numbers using while loop, program to find sum of n natural numbers in c, c program to print natural numbers from 1 to 10 in reverse order, write a program to print first 10 natural numbers in java, do while loop in c programming example.