How to write a C Program to The Monty Hall Problem ?
typedef char * string;
int main(void)
int st, sw, i, x;
char *p, *a, *b, *s;
st = 0; //count the number of wins with staying
sw = 0; //count the number of wins with switching
string door[3];//create 3 doors (4 really)
srand(time(NULL));//required for random numbers
printf("Stay Wins -- Switch Wins\n");
//loop 100 times
//assign 3 door values
door[1] = "win";
door[2] = "lose";
door[3] = "lose";
x=rand() % 3 + 1; //pick a random door
p = door[x]; //remember player's choice
s="lose"; //if player picked door 1 switching loses
st++; //log stay win
s="win"; //if player picked door 1 switching wins
sw++; //log switch win
printf(" %s -- %s \n", p, s);
printf("Staying will win %i of the time.\n", st);
printf("Switching will win %i of the time.\n", sw);
return 0;