How to write a C Program to Creates new main.c with empty main boilerplate template in C Programming Language ?
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <inttypes.h>
- /**
- * Prints an optional error message, and kills process.
- * At the end of the error message, a newline is printed.
- * If msg is a NULL pointer then nothing will be printed.
- */
- void die(int status, const char *msg)
- {
- // print error message
- if (msg) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "mkcmain", msg);
- }
- exit(status);
- }
- int main(void)
- {
- const char *comment_text =
- "/***************************************************************************\n"
- " * Created by mkcmain *\n"
- " **************************************************************************/\n\n";
- size_t comment_text_size;
- const char *cmain_text = "int main(int argc, char *argv[])\n"
- "{\n\n"
- "\treturn 0;\n"
- "}\n";
- size_t cmain_text_size;
- const char *filename = "main.c";
- char *cw_dir;
- char *filepath;
- FILE *file;
- struct stat sb;
- // attempt to get the current working dir
- errno = 0;
- cw_dir = get_current_dir_name();
- if(NULL == cw_dir) {
- perror("get_current_dir_name()");
- die(EXIT_FAILURE, "could not get current directory name");
- }
- // allocate memory for path
- if (NULL == (filepath = malloc((strlen(cw_dir) + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1) * sizeof(char)))) {
- die(EXIT_FAILURE, "could not allocate memory for file path name"); }
- // construct file path
- strcpy(filepath, cw_dir);
- strcat(filepath, "/");
- strcat(filepath, filename);
- free(cw_dir); // just noticed this was a memory leak .. havent tested yet
- // check to see if file exists
- if (0 == stat(filepath, &sb)) {
- bool abort = false;
- // see if this is a regular file
- if (!(sb.st_mode & S_IFREG)) {
- abort = true;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is not a regular file\n", "mkcmain", filepath);
- } else {
- // prompt user to replace file
- char response;
- fprintf(stdout, "%s: %jd byte file %s exists. Replace file? [y/N?] ",
- "mkcmain", (intmax_t) sb.st_size, filepath);
- response = fgetc(stdin);
- if (response != 'y' && response != 'Y') {
- abort = true;
- }
- }
- if (abort) {
- free(filepath);
- die(EXIT_FAILURE, "no file written");
- }
- }
- // try to open file for writing
- errno = 0;
- if (NULL == (file = fopen(filepath, "w"))) {
- perror("fopen");
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not open %s for writing\n", "mkcmain", filepath);
- free(filepath);
- }
- // try writing comment block
- comment_text_size = strlen(comment_text);
- if (fwrite(comment_text, sizeof(char), comment_text_size, file)
- != comment_text_size * sizeof(char))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not write to open file %s\n", "mkcmain", filepath);
- free(filepath);
- }
- // try to write C main file text to file
- cmain_text_size = strlen(cmain_text);
- if (fwrite(cmain_text, sizeof(char), cmain_text_size, file)
- != cmain_text_size * sizeof(char))
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not write to open file %s\n", "mkcmain", filepath);
- free(filepath);
- }
- // try to close the file
- errno = 0
- if (fclose(file)) {
- perror("fclose()");
- free(filepath);
- die(EXIT_FAILURE, "encountered error during attempt to close file");
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "%s: successfully created %s\n", "mkcmain", filepath);
- free(filepath);
- }