How to write a C Program to find smallest in an array using pointer in C Programming Language ?
This C Program to find smallest in an array using pointer.
- #include<stdio.h>
- main()
- {
- int i,n;
- printf("\nHow many elements?: ");
- scanf("%d",&n);
- int a[n];
- for(i=0;i<n;i++)
- { printf("Element %d: ",i+1);
- scanf("%d",&a[i]);
- }
- printf("\nCreating pointer now...");
- int *p,small;
- p = a;
- small=*p;
- i=1;
- while(i<n)
- {
- if(small > *p)
- small=*p;
- i++;
- p++;
- }
- printf("\nSmallest number: %d \n",small);
- }