Generate the first 'n' prime numbers.

How to write a c program to generate the first 'n' prime numbers in c programming ?

/* Generate the first 'n' prime numbers.  */
/*Prime number is a number which is exactly divisible by one and itself only*/

int main()
int range,i,j,r;

printf("enter the range \n");
scanf("%d", &range);

for(i=2;i<=range;i++) //Prime numbers start from the int 2
int c=0;  // set the count value to 0
for(j=1;j<=i;j++) // the loop for calculating the prime number
r=(i%j);   // r is the variable assigned for checking the prime criterion
c++;  // count gets incremented by 1 if the given number is divisible by j parameter

if(c==2) // the prime number has only 2 factors; hence the count value is set to 2
  printf("%d \n",i);


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