C Program to Defined Node with Example

How to write a C Program to defined Node in C Programming Language ?


/* Node is defined as :
typedef struct node
    int val;
    struct node* left;
    struct node* right;
    int ht;
} node; */
int nht(node * root);
int height (node * root);
int bfactor (node * root);
node * newnode(int val);
node * insert(node * root, int val);
node * balance (node * root);
node * lr(node * root);
node * rr ( node * root);
node * newnode(int val)
        node * temp = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node));
        temp->val = val;
        temp->left = NULL;
        temp->right = NULL;
        temp->ht = 1;
        return temp;
int height(node * root)
                return root->ht;
                return 0;
int nht(node * root)
        int x = height(root->right);
        int y = height(root->left);
        if (x>y)
                return x+1;
                return y+1;
int bfactor(node * root)
        return height(root->left)-height(root->right);
node * rr ( node * root )
        node * x;
        x = root->left;
        root->left = x->right;
        x->right = root;
        root->ht = nht(root);
        x->ht = nht(x);
        return x;
node * lr ( node * root )
        node * x;
        x = root->right;
        root->right = x->left;
        x->left = root;
        root->ht = nht(root);
        x->ht = nht(x);
        return x;
node * insert (node * root, int val)
        if (!root)
                return newnode(val);
        else if (root->val < val)
                        root->right= insert (root->right, val);
                        root->left= insert (root->left, val);
        root->ht = nht(root);
        int bal = bfactor(root);
                if (bfactor(root->left)>=0)
                        return rr(root);
                        root->left = lr(root->left);
                        return rr (root);
                if (bfactor(root->right)<=0)
                        return lr(root);
                        root->right = rr(root->right);
                        return lr (root);
        return root;

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