C Program that prompts the user to input a string, (whitespaces allowed)

How to Write a program that prompts the user to input a string, (whitespaces allowed)
Add code to:
Step 1: allocate memory for the string
Step 2: Scanf the string from the user
Step 3: Write a function to calculate the length of the string.
            int length(char name[]);Â


/*Write a program that prompts the user to input a string, (whitespaces allowed)
Add code to:

step1: allocate memory for the string
step2: Scanf the string from the user
step3: Write a function to calculate the length of the string.
int length(char name[]);Â

#define SIZE 41

int main()
 //Define student name
 char name[SIZE];
 printf("Please enter your name:");
 printf("The length of the name is %d",length(name));

int length(char name[])
 int i,result=0;
 return result;


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