C Program that first prompts you for the number of customers you would like to enter in

How to Write a program that first prompts you for the number of customers you would like to enter in.

The program will then allow you to enter the customer information, namely:
names(first and last),
phone numbers(home and cell).

/*Write a program that first prompts you for the number of customers you would like to enter in.

The program will then allow you to enter the customer information, namely:
names(first and last),
phone numbers(home and cell).

Your program should then print out the customers, sorted in order by lastname, and then phone number.
You should store the customers as a dynamic array of structures.
The strings for the names etc. should be dynamically allocated also.Use of pointers absolutely
extensively and throughout your solution is required*/

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
char * firstName;
char * lastName;
char * address;
int homePhone;
int cellPhone;
} customer;

void newCustomer(customer * cust);
void printCustomer(customer * cust);
char *getString();
int getNumber();

int main()

// Ask for number of customers to input
printf("How many customers would you like to input?   ");
int numCust = getNumber();
printf("You have %i customers to input\n\n", numCust);

// Create array of customers
customer *customerList = (customer *)malloc(numCust * sizeof(customer));

// Ask for information for the selected number of customers
for (int i = 0; i < numCust; i++)
printf("Customer %i of %i", i, numCust);

// Sort the list of customers by lastname then by (home) phone number

// Print the list of customers
for (int i = 0; i < numCust; i++)
printf("Customer %i of %i", i, numCust);

/* Enter Customer Data*/
void newCustomer(customer *cust) {
printf("First Name:   ");
cust->firstName = getString();
printf("Last Name:   ");
cust->lastName = getString();
printf("Address:   ");
cust->address = getString();
printf("Home Phone:   ");
cust->homePhone = getNumber();
printf("Mobile Phone:   ");
cust->cellPhone = getNumber();

void printCustomer(customer *cust) {
printf("First Name:   %s\n", cust->firstName);
printf("Last Name:   %s\n", cust->lastName);
printf("Address:   %s\n", cust->address);
printf("Home Phone:   %i\n", cust->homePhone);
printf("Mobile Phone:   %i\n\n", cust->cellPhone);

/* Get an integer number from the user*/
int getNumber() {

int num = 0;

while (num == 0) {

//Ask the user for a number
if (scanf_s("%i", &num) != 1) {

//If there were spaces or Non-numeric characters
printf("That is not an integer number.\n");
printf("Please enter an integer number:   ");
num = 0;


//Clear buffer
while (getchar() != '\n');

return num;

/* Get a string from the user*/
char *getString() {
char input[100];
scanf_s("%s", input);
char * result = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(input) + 1));

//If there isn't enough memory
if (!result) {
printf("Out of Memory");

strcpy_s(result, input, "");
return *result;

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