C Program to accept n number, C Program to accept matrix from user these are the questions which will be ask to you in any interview. So you have to prepare these question to crack any interview in the world. C Questions are very often asked by the interviewer. C is the simplest and the hardest language in the world since it is invented by Dennis Ritchie. Stay Focused Stay Learning at NaimCProgram.
- C Program to accept n numbers from user & find out the maximum element out of them by using dynamic memory allocation
- C Program to accept string from user & convert all lower case letters into upper case letters & vice versa
- C Program to accept m*n matrix from user and display the elements of given matrix using function
- C Program to accept n numbers from user store these numbers into an array & calculate average of n numbers
- C Program to accept n numbers & store all prime numbers in an array & display this result
- C program to accept n number from user,store these numbers into an array & count the no of occurrences of each number
- C Program to accept n numbers from user store these numbers into an array & reverse an array elements using function
- C Program to accept a string from user, delete all vowels from that string & display the result
- Write a c program to accept a string from user & generate following pattern (e.g, input "abcd")
- C Program to accept 5 names from user & store these names into an array. Sort these array elements in alphabetical order
- C Program to accept n numbers from user,store these numbers into an array & sort the number of an array
- C Program to accept n numbers from user, store these numbers into an array. Find out Maximum & Minimum number from an Array
- C Program to accept data from user store that data into text file
- Accept n number from user, store these number into an array and calculate the average of n number