Defining A New Type in C Programming Language

Declaring a struct is a two-stage process. The first stage defines a new data type that has the required structure which can then be used to declare as many variables with the same structure as required. This two-stage process is often confusing at first - especially as it results in the need to think up multiple names with the same general meaning - but it really is quite simple. For example, suppose we need to store a name, age and salary as a single structure. You would first define the new data type using:

struct emprec


char name[25];

int age;

int pay;


and then you would declare a new variable:

struct emprec employee

Notice that the new variable is called employee and it is of type emprec which has been defined earlier. You see what we mean about duplicating names - emprec is the name of the general employee record structureand employee is a particular example of this general type. It might help to compare the situation with that of a general int type and a particular int variable such as count - emprec is a type like int and employee is a variable like count. You can see that in general you can define a structure using:

struct name


list of component variables


and you can have as long a list of component variables as you need. Once defined you can declare as many examples of the new type as you like using:

struct name list of variables;

For example:

struct emprec employee, oldemploy, newemploy;

and so on. If you want to you can also declare a structure variable within the type definition by writing its name before the final semi-colon. For example:

struct emprec


char name[25];

int age;

int pay;

} employee;

defines the structure and declares a structure variable called employee. The only trouble with this form is that not many C programmers use it and many will even think that it is an error! So how do we use a struct?

When you first start working with arrays it seems obvious that you access the individual elements of the array using an index as in a[i] for the ith element of the array, but how to get at the individual components of a structure? The answer is that you have to use qualified names. You first give the name of the structure variable and then the name of the component separated by a dot. For example, given:

struct emprec employee



is an int and:

is a char array. Once you have used a qualified name to get down to the level of a component then it behaves like a normal variable of the type. For example:


is a valid assignment to an int and:[2] = 'X';

is a valid assignment to an element of the char array. Notice that the qualified name uses the structure variable name and not the structure type name. You can also define a structure that includes another structure as a component and of course that structure can contain another structure and so on. In this case you simply use the name of each structure in turn, separated by dots, until you reach a final component that isn't a structure. For example, if you declare a struct firm which includes a component employee which is an emprec then:


is an int. You may be feeling a little disappointed at the way in which structures are used. When you first meet arrays it is obvious how useful they are because the array index is an integer which can be used within a loop to process vast amounts of data in a few lines of code. When you first meet the struct it just doesn't have the same obvious advantages. Because you have to write out a full qualified name to get at each of the components of the struct you can't automate the processing in the same way. However this is reasonable enough when you remember that each component of a struct can be a different data type! The point is that the value of a structis different to that of an array. A struct can be used to wrap up a group of variables which form a coherent entity.
For example, C has no facilities for manipulating complex numbers but this is easy enough to put right using astruct and a few functions. A complex number is composed of two parts - a real and imaginary part - which can be implemented as single or double precision values. This suggests defining a new struct type:

struct comp


float real;

float imag;


After this you can declare new complex variables using something like:

struct comp a,b;

The new complex variables cannot be used as if they were simple variables - because they are not. Most versions, of the C language do allow you to assign structures so you could write:


as shorthand for



Being able to assign structures is even more useful when they are bigger. However you can't expect C to sort out what you mean by c = a + b - for this you have to write out the rule for addition as:



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